Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Tiki for size

It's safe to say that I love tiki!! Anyone that knows me knows that I’m tiki obsessed.

My collection is building and I’m waiting to finish a few bits in the house before redecorating my dining room and making it oh so tiki!

I particularly love the clothes too! Anything tropical print and bamboo, I’m all over it and it’s a super bonus if it’s vintage too!

Anyway, I cant wait to share this new piece I’m so very in love with. Of course I had to put in an order with my good friend BooBoo Kitty Couture who kindly made me this incredible dress!

Together, we browsed a few of her suppliers online and after deciding on the print she put the order in from the states with squeals of excitement from me!

it makes my mouth water just looking at it
All my dresses, if not vintage, are of BooBoo Kitty Couture. You just can’t beat that perfect fit. Made to order to my measurements means that it’s super comfy and I feel fantastic in them all day and night. With an 11 inch difference between my hips and waist I am unable to fit comfortably, if at all in high street shops.

Accessorized accordingly and ready for cocktiails
Of course I’m sure there will be more tiki dresses to follow, and there may be something else (or more) on her table for me for me to share with you soon, something I’m very excited about indeed!! ;D

hinty hint!

I also loved my pin curl set that night, especially now that my hair is a growin'! :)

If you haven't seen it already BooBoo Kitty feature my guest post on her blog here, have a nosey see what its like backstage ;)

Rose x

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Beating February's frumps

This month, so far, seems very quiet and slow, both at work and at home.

After a rather productive few weeks of tidying and de-cluttering some of the things I no longer needed at home I felt like I’m was at a point of where I was eager for something else to get my teeth into.

At the weekend I decided to crack on with a costume I’ve been biting and bobbing with for a while now and decided to stop procrastinating and look at it again and get the damn thing out of my head and off my sketch book and get it completed. The thing is, as soon as I looked at it and dug my crafty bits out needed to finish this piece, it all fell into place in my head and so I cracked on with stitching and gluing and already I’m much happier with its direction.

I have decided to alter a few bits which may mean going back and cutting and stitching a couple of bits and changing the headdress but it’s a new part of the project that I’m looking forward to getting complete mainly because I cant wait to dress up in it and finally share it on stage. But not before I get some exciting photos of it, which is another fun and exciting reason to get it finished.

My other new act is in construction as we speak. It’s in such a luscious and mouth watering (to me at least) combination of colours and is something else I’m working on by thinking more about and shopping for the embellishments. This one will be easy for me as it’s something I’m very, very excited about and has been created for a song I love and so there’s not that awful burly girls conundrum and panic of creating a great act and struggling to find or decide on the perfect piece of music.

So now I have a few things that I want to start looking at to get over that new slump. I’m always looking forward and planning ahead so that there is always that something to look forward to. I’m also keeping busy by helping my very good friend, who got engaged at the beginning of the year, plan her wedding. I’m also a bridesmaid which excites me no end! :D

I’ve been thinking more and more about buying a new house and my lunch times now mostly consist of browsing property websites. It’s always good to keep an eye on the market and keep searching for what you want, you never know!

We have a lot planned this year including a big holiday back to Mexico later this year and lots of other fun trips.

It’s also the Mr's birthday this week and we’ve both booked the day off work to spend it together spoiling him and doing some of his favourite things together including eating lots of yummy food, shopping and ice skating. Until recently he regularly played ice hockey and since he had to give it up a couple of years ago, he hasn’t touched the ice. I love ice skating, especially when it’s nice and quite and the ice in smooth and open, so I’m too also looking forward to busting the boots back out. I had a quick go at Christmas time on a work outing, after a few years off ice myself, and I forgot how much I loved it. Plus it’s a great and fun way to get a bit of a work out too.

I’m also looking forward to seeing all of our friends when we gather for a birthday meal out. I’ve not seen everyone together since new years, though I’ve seen everyone individually since, it’s nice for us all to get together and socialise with some great food and yummy cocktails.

I’m sure there’ll be photos to follow ;)

As you can tell, I like to keep busy and planning, planning, planning and of course fulfilling those plans!

For now, here's some sneaky pics of my costume in some of its progress

Rose x

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

January Outfit post - snow and ice

I've started posting my daily outfits on Instagram and they're proving popular so I thought I'd share on here too. They're mostly from work - Not having a uniform to be swollowed in I get to wear what I want to work and dont chnage how I dress normally forit either. Its safe to say that I stand out at my place of work as its a uniformed and a strict establishment (for the main employees) and even the othe ladies/civillians have their work wear. I like to feel like me and I'm happiest when dressing so, so heres a few snaps from some of January's outfits.
Battling with January's snow and ice with bright colours and fruity accessories!

Wooly tight to brave the snow!