Tuesday, 10 April 2012

What’s in a name?

I’ve been contemplating for a while now, changing my stage name. I’ve not been entirely happy with it for a while as I just felt it wasn’t quite me or effective enough to describe my character or acts.

I had almost decided on a new name but after speaking with a well known performer, who offered loads of advice and guidance, I decided that I was just going to edit my name and keep the uniqueness of it as I had been working on establishing myself and branding that image and I had noticed that it was catching and people were beginning to recognise it. So thinking back, it was silly to try and use a rather generic name and probably start from scratch and probably even get lost in the midst of things.

It was so helpful to get another performers thoughts and perspective on it, one that has been in the industry for some time and had a unique and well established image and brand as a performer.

SO from now on, I will be changing and updating everything to be known as Rose Desire.

No one really understood the play on words of Desire-Belle for Desirable, and I thought that if I have to explain it to everyone, then it isn’t really doing its job and I should just stick to something that was effective of its uniqueness and just use Desire. It seems more to the point and less of a (confusing) mouthful!

I’m rather happy with my new, adjusted name, one that I’ll be working with from now on.

I will be making the changes and updates to my website and othet areas in the next few days. 

Long time, no blog post

It’s been far too long since I even looked at this. I have had many ideas and moments that I have thought about blogging, but it has become something of the wayside. (Is that the correct word/term??)

However, I vow that I will make more of an effort and attempt at adding something at least once a month in the hope that it will become a habit and one that I enjoy, because I think I will enjoy it.

Anyway, here goes…let the catch up begin.

A lot has happened, I’m so busy. I am currently working on 3 new acts, 2 of which have been an idea since last year and a new one that I am very excited about.

For my latest idea, I am having part of the costume made by my very talented friend and business owner BooBooKitty Couture. Do go and check her dresses out and talk about your ideas with her. She's a genius with a needle and thread!

I have quite a collection of BooBoo Kitty Couture building in my wardrobe. I just love how it’s made just for me and its one of a kind and they fit like a dream, being made to your own specifications. Have a look on her brand new website, you may see little old me on there somewhere!

I love popping over for a cup of tea and puppy hugs from her adorable pug Maybellene – an added bonus to dress shopping

one of my BBKC dresses
In my latest BBKC with Bella in her matching scarf

I must admit, however, I am taking it a bit easier this year on the burlesque front. I'm not booking as many shows this year as the husband is working away for most of the year, I am so busy trying to adjust to life on my own and making my own routines whilst working full time, taking care of a very active beagle and keeping the house in ship shape. I don’t have kids, but I am exhausted every day. Its been very hard, I can't wait for his return in August.

I am, however, taking the this time to concentrateon creating my new acts and thinking about my character and performances.

I recently read another blog by Havana Hurricane, who spoke of the exact things I was thinking and I felt assured that I wasn’t just stuck in a rut or on my own with my thoughts. 

Like Havana I'm thinking a lot about my performances and concentrating on making my new acts the best they can be and branding myself better (which will follow in the next post). I'd also like to look into doing more photoshoots and working on the new branding, stepping out of my comfort zone and trying some new styles and ideas that I have, both on stage and infront on the camera.

We're practically echoing the same thoughts! Check out her blog and add to the number of followers she has, as she has also taken back to the blogging world.

In other news, I now have super red hair thanks to my lovely friend Lucille, (check out her blog, one of my favourite lunch break reads), who specialises in vintage hair styling. It’s taken us a little while, but I am in love with the vibrancy and richness of the colour.

I have more ideas and subjects to blog about, but I will save it for another post!

I’ll be back soon!

Rose x